Sunday, 11 December 2011

"Why do we love Love,when it seems to hate us?"

For a while I was "Robot Girl", I had no feelings and I never allowed myself to care unless it was for family and friends! This was because I had seen with people around me that Love doesn't really love us back, and naturally I had a fear of this drug that everyone seemed hooked on!

Oh but then I met a dealer(lol yes You!),he got me hooked and fast! It quite amazing how when you into someone they became your vocabulary,I'm sure my friends were so tired of me!

In the midst of a high I wrote this:


U cripple ma thoughts n make them sit down n think about u!
U tempt me with ur words n dangle ur soul in front me!
Uve creeped in2 ma speech n become ma vocabulary.....
U speak 2 da depth of me with ur silence...ur thoughts locked away n I can't hear a thing!
Just when I died coz I thot IT didn't exist u revived me with ur magic dust turned lust in2 like
U didn't consult me coz u knew I wudnt budge
So u walked all ova ma soul n left ur footprints!
N by this I've become ur slave n u ma Master whose cane caresses my body as i falls in2 da trance dat is U!
I feel da sudden urge 2 open ma eyes N come 2 realize dat ure a dream
A dream I wna live n love bt dat u r also da forbidden fruit I've bEen warned abt but eaten all da same!
I can't help dat uve entered ma mouth n awakened these old taste buds!

When I wrote this I was still on a crazy buzz,all I could do was think about this person, and looking back it wasn't good for me! Sometimes you want something or in this case someone but its not for you! When we realize this we fall fast from the good feeling and then the withdrwal symptoms come! Any ex-junkie will tell you how hard it is to let go of something that once made u feel good(and I mean damn good,you feel me?)...

So to my fellow users of love who have fallen from the high;it's not the end of the world hey(although it seems like that for a while). I think as people we look for affection in other people but what we need to realize is that you have to love yourself first before you can love another person! And that's why when we don't have that love for ourselves and people we loved leave; we feel like Love doesn't love us and that our worlds have ended!

Hahahaha... That's my 2 cents!

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