Sunday, 11 December 2011

Black Consciousness.

I always say I will never accept being discriminated because of the colour of my skin or the fact that I'm female,because I believe that you should be seen as an individual. Race is something that is a very touchy subject in our country and most people use the phrase : "its because I'm black", and that's beacuse most people view being black as something negative! And this Is due to the apartheid era in our country,where black people were made to feel less human n more like animals, and using the dark word "black" to describe Africans!
But I'm calling on all black people to use the term "black" in the way they see fit and the way Black
Consciousness intended!

This reminds of a poem that is very close to my heart n that a strong BLACK(yes I just wrote that in an uppercase cause I believe that we were never the lower case, they feared us beacuse we were great):


I see the wisdom of eternities
in ample thighs
belying their presence as adornments
to the temples of my sisters
old souls breath
in the comfort of chocolate thickness
that suffocates Africa’s angels
who dance to the rhythm of the universe’s womb
though they cannot feel its origins in their veins

Blessed am I to be love in the temple of my own skin
my nappy centre kisses the sun
in a harmony divine
devoid of the ugly that does not know this as God
but the sons of oppression
never gave sisters
loaves to feed the hungry fury in their bellies
nor did they teach them to fish for spirit

So I pray
to the voices that whisper in my soft curves
for the lionesses of my blood
to hear the songs of the cool reeds
to feel the green blood beat of cataclysm on their breasts
and to know the embrace of freedom
in nourishing silences
where their radiant ebony vessels
are reflections of their souls
By: lebo mashile
So with this I say VIVA being BLACK VIVA, let's not bleach our skin, let's not talk like america's but let's be proud to be who we are!

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