Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Deflated spirit!

I dedicate this 2 everyone... Cause we all know we feel like this sometimes; I don't care how awesome you think you are!

My cheeks burn fr0m the h0t,salted water fl0wing fr0m the wind0ws t0 my s0ul. My visage,a picture painted with pain. My heart giving in with every beat. My mask quickly disappearing and my time f0r shrift c0ming near with each questi0n bringing fear. Trials nd tribulati0ns,that which even intercessi0n w0n't clear. My faith slipping thr0ugh my fingerz like grains of rice. My faith that sh0uld m0ve m0untains can't even m0ve a m0le-hill. Instead of faith, i maintain the ch0ler,they gyves that tie me down. But y0u shall never see this 'cause i jest ar0und. While my heart p0unds...with pr0r0gued f0rgiveness. And my chastity fading with each smile and woe creeping in like the sunset. And u will find me a 0nce valiant s0ldier lying on the gr0und wit n0 val0r left....

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